About Our APC Footwear
Established in 2021, we strive to offer our customers a variety of quality and modern designed sneakers for men, ladies and youth.
We’ve come a long way, so we know exactly which direction to take when supplying you with high quality yet budget friendly products. We offer all of this while providing excellent customer service and friendly support.

Our Brand
What started in 2021, but was inspired since childhood. Growing up we noticed the high prices of sneakers that used inferior quality material. We decided to get in the game to provide quality material and workmanship but at affordable prices. We strive to offer our customers a variety of sneakers for men, women and youth. We’ve come a long way and seen many styles and prices, so we know exactly which direction to take when supplying you with the highest quality yet budget friendly products.
We always keep an eye on the latest trends in the sports clothing community and put our customers’ wishes first. That is why we have satisfied customers all over the world, and are thrilled to be a part of the growing independent clothing manufacturer community.
The satisfaction of our customers is always the top priority for us, so we hope you will enjoy our products as much as we enjoy making them available to you.
Our Vision
To design, manufacture and create products that makes you feel good, while using quality material and workmanship at reasonable prices.
Social Responsibility
As a consumer-based entity, we can never forget the social responsibility that we have toward our brothers and sisters. As such, APC Footwear decided to select each year a nonprofit organization to partner with and to design a specific sneaker for that organization to sell and provide funds to help them continue their charity efforts.
Our Story
My name is Alix Cassagnol and my brother’s name is Patrick Cassagnol. We both have a love for sports since being around 3-4 years old.
I’ve played soccer and baseball all my life and my brother played soccer all his life. I’ve played soccer at the collegiate level and my brother is currently playing in Spain. Here I am now, starting a brand that we hope that can be influential which we hope will grow and help others appreciate their personal entrepreneurial spirit. With this in mind we didn’t want to be just a sneaker company that makes and sell sneakers and keep all the profits, we as a Company will select a cause each year and design a sneaker, make the sneaker, sell the sneaker and give away all profits from the sales of that sneaker for that year. The first year and for our inauguration we decided on Breast Cancer Awareness. We want to inspire individuals as well as other Companies to inspire individuals to make something of themselves and leave their mark on others and the world!
I hope our story can inspire others from around the world.
“You’ll never know what you can achieve if you don’t try”